Yay, BBCan started up again last week! The last season only lasted about a couple weeks before it got cancelled at the beginning of COVID last March... Now that the production has gotten to prepare with all the necessary precautions, season 9 is a go. I have to say, I'm loving the cast so far this year; it's very diverse and representative. Also, everyone is so Canadian! I can't describe it, but Big Brother Canada is always more entertaining, light-hearted and real than other iterations of the show. I'm really looking forward to watching the show over the next few months.
TWO // Homemade Perogies
I've been baking up a storm ever since my KitchenAid mixer arrived. I guess I'm making up for lost time, ha! Anyways, after doing a couple tried and true recipes, I ventured out on a limb and tried something totally new: perogies! I had never made these, nor have I ever seen anyone make them, so this was going to be a challenge. I made the potato-broccoli-cheddar filling no problem and the dough also turned out. I didn't have a round cookie cutter so I improvised with a mason jar lid to cut out my circles. I'd say the most challenging part is rolling the dough thin enough. Also, making these is time consuming, but I didn't find it too bad. I made a double batch that yielded a total of 70 perogies. We flash froze most of them and now have a few frozen batches for future meals. They were absolutely delicious and I would make these again for sure!
THREE // February Ipsy
Better late than never! My February Ipsy arrived on March 2, but I'm not complaining because I got the bag style I really wanted! There were two bag styles for the month and I really preferred the Sealed-with-a-Kiss style. The red, fold over envelope style with the tiny lip snap is simply darling! I am very happy with the entire contents of my bag this month. The retractable liquid liner is so easy to apply and is totally smudge-proof; I'm loving the shade of the Maëlle blush; the brow gel is really awesome and a little goes a long way; both the cleanser and moisturizer are great staples; the lipstick is the perfect shade of orangey red that I had been looking for and the cleansing balm works wonders to remove said lipstick. All in all, I am very pleased with my new goodies, even though they arrived a bit later than usual.
FOUR // Winter Apron
With all the baking I've been doing lately, I've been getting more wear out of my aprons. For some reason, working with flour can get very messy... I love the concept of the apron and think it's a genius invention! I've amassed a small collection over the last year and am always on the hunt for cute aprons now. I snagged this colourful, wintery vibe one on clearance during a Christmas in July sale last summer. Even though it's seasonal, I plan on wearing it all year round, ha! I mean, if I'm going to wear something to protect my clothing it might as well also be cute!
FIVE // Skillet Bread
I know I'm talking about food a lot lately. What can I say? I'm putting my new mixer to good use! After having made my go-to dinner rolls, a batch of cookies and 70 perogies, it was time to try our first ever bread. I know, I know, we're a bit late to the pandemic bread-making party at this point. We opted for the simple no kneed recipe that you bake in a cast-iron pan. Other than allotting time for the bread to rise a couple times, it was very straight forward. The bread was so good! I mean, is there anything better than freshly baked bread with a bit of butter? I think not! We'll be making a lot more of this type of bread in our future. It was that good!
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