26 Nov 2015

TBT - Deep Blue Sea

"La mer, qu'on voit danser..."

Ah, the sea, such depth of beauty! This outfit is ocean inspired from port to starboard. It is composed of three different shades of blue, which can each be considered as the color of the sea. The top of the look is in lighter shades, representing the shallow areas. The further down the eye travels, the darker the colours, similar to the darkening of the water as one descends deeper into the fathoms of the sea. The tights are reminiscent of fishing nets, not uncommonly seen in or near the ocean. There is a certain peace to this outfit, it is soothing, in a way that is similar to letting oneself be rocked by the waves...

Skirt: Smart Set | T-shirt: Smart Set | Cardigan: Jacob | Necklace: Pandora | Earrings: Northern Reflections | Bracelet: Smart Set | Tights: Joe Fresh | Shoes: ABS by Allen Schwarts

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