17 Mar 2023

Mimi Takes Five - #241

ONE // Happy Saint-Paddy's!
Be sure to wear green today to avoid getting pinched! I mostly wear green because I like a theme, but any reason's a good one. After doing some genealogical research, I was able to confirm that some of my ancestors came from Ireland. I always suspected as much, but now I know for sure. Because of this discovery, Saint Patrick's day hits a little differently this year. I wish all who celebrate a sprinkle of luck!

TWO // Bye Bye Booties
This past week, I took my dog for a walk on a puddle-filled path. I thought I was being smart by wearing rubber boots. Within the first few minutes, one of my socks was wet... Turns out there's an actual hole in the sole of the boot! My favourite little yellow rubber boots have gone on their last walk. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I never thought I like, and yet alone wear, my yellow boots as much as I did. I got them in the winter of 2019 (and wore them on many pandemic walks), so they've lasted 4 years. That's not bad for an affordable pair of boots that I thought would just be a fun addition to my wardrobe. Now, I can't envision not having a pair! I was determined to revive them and attempt to fix the hole with some Shoe Goo (which has proved effective in the past). My husband was not convinced and told me to let them go. As luck would have it, I came across another pair of yellow rubber boots at Joe Fresh two days later! The yellow boot gods were looking down on me, ha ha! This style is chunkier and a lighter shade of yellow. But  the thicker sole is making me hopeful they'll last. So just like that, I had to dispose of one pair of yellow rubber boots and welcome a new one this week.  

THREE // BBCan 11
It's that time of year again when Big Brother Canada graces our screens! This is one show my husband and I can agree on and look forward to it every year. We prefer the Canadian version of the show because it's so light-hearted and relatable. This season is set in the BB Manor and has a distinct Clue/murder mystery vibe to it, which I am loving! The house has been redecorated with that style in mind complete with library, parlour and red carpet. I'm liking the Dead Last twist concept and can't wait to see how it plays out and effects the players' strategies. So far, it looks like we've got a great bunch of houseguests and this season is off to a great start!

FOUR // Little Piggy
My friend surprised me with a little pig figurine she made in a ceramics class! How adorable is this little guy? I had mentioned the concept of tea pets, (because we are both avid tea drinkers) around the time she was starting her class and the idea stemmed from there. She made a bunch of tiny animal figurines that were originally intended to be used as tea pets however, they are not made from the right type of clay and are glazed. I really don't mind because my little pig figurine is adorable! Too cute even to be pouring tea over it! It also reminds me of the stuffed pink pig my dad gifted me when I was a baby. It had a musical box and was one of my most favourite stuffies growing up. My friend had no clue about this, which is what makes the choice of a pig so perfect! It now sits proudly on my desk and makes me smile every time I look at it!

FIVE // Shamrock Card
I was inspired to send my grandma a card for Saint-Patrick's day (because who doesn't love fun mail?). After not finding any in stores, I thought I'd make it myself. So, I took out my scrapbooking supplies and got to work. I usually only make Christmas cards, which means all my stamps and supplies are festive themed... I decided to give it a go and do my best with what I've got. I took out my bag of cardstock scraps and found some greens and brown, that was a good start. I then decided to make a clover without any templates whatsoever. I opted to make little hearts and then stick them in the right configuration. My first go was not it. I had used a marker to trace the outline of the clover and it was not great. So I tried again and did a four-leaf clover this time with some contrasting relief pieces and this was the winning look. I'll admit I was a bit discouraged, but I let the ideas simmer for a while before trying again and it was totally worth it!

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