ONE // G&G Pastel Bows
Just over here living my best bow life! I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I cannot resist a Grace & Grandeur bow. I've been obsessed ever since I discovered them and there is no going back at this point. I don't even know how many I have, but it's a lot. I love these bows because the quality is unmatched, they are consistently perfect, they are handmade from a small creator and come in the most perfect array of colours. I don't mind investing in these as they are timeless, will always fit and could be passed along when I'm done with them (not that that will be any time soon...) I'm all for investing in long-lasting pieces that truly reflect my personal style. Velvet hair bows are very much part of my aesthetic. My recent additions are the lilac and seaside blue, perfect pastel hues for spring!
TWO // Bow Organizer
With an ever-growing G&G hair bow collection, I was struggling to store them properly. Up until now, I was safely storing them in a clear plastic bin in my accessories drawer. Sadly, my collection outgrew the bin and they were getting snug in there. Sarah, the owner and creator of Grace & Grandeur, came up with a nifty solution to store her bows. I was inspired and made my own version with a reused length of ribbon I had saved. I folded my ribbon in two, tied a big bow in the middle and then just popped it on my closet wall with a command hook. Now, I can hang and display my bows without damaging them. I decided to only set out the right coloured bows for the season and swap them out a few times a year, storing the unused ones in the bin. For now, I have all the spring/summer colours out and easily accessible.
THREE // Written in my Own Heart's Blood
I have finally finished the seventh book of the Outlander series, An Echo in the Bone. As usual, it was a hefty book, so took me a little while. I think I started it in early September and finished it this week. I wasn't reading a lot at a time, mostly a few pages or a chapter before bed. To be honest, I had a hard time getting into this one. It kept switching between three stories: that of Claire and Jamie, that of Roger and Brianna, and that of William and Lord John. I found the William parts a bid dull, to be honest. However, the story lines ended up weaving into one another and the pace of the story picked up. The second half was a lot more interesting and I found myself wanting to read it more often. I'm not in any rush to read the series at this point so am enjoying the slower pace and savouring the story. I already have the next book lined up and am looking forward to seeing where the story takes us next!
FOUR // Paw Print T-shirt
How cute is this paw-print t-shirt? My mom got it for me and I find it adorable. I have a soft spot for graphic and all-over print t-shirts, so this was right on the money. Clearly, she got it because I have a dog, and said dog leaves little paw prints wherever she goes, whether it be in snow or mud... I rather snowy paw prints than muddy prints on my floors, but they are always cute. 'Tis muddy season with the spring meltdown, so I'll be seeing many little muddy paw prints on my floors in the coming weeks. Might as well embrace the theme and wear a matching t-shirt!
FIVE // Titanic: Blood and Steel
After seeing the re-release of Titanic in theatres recently, my curiosity about all things Titanic has also resurfaced. I've been listening to podcasts and any Titanic-related movie and show I can get my hands on. I did not know how many times Titanic was the subject of movies and TV series over the years. All I remembered was the 1997 movie and a few documentaries afterwards. I did not know about A Night to Remember (1958) or of Titanic (1953) or even about the odd two-part TV series in 1996. I've been sinking my teeth into all the fact and fiction surrounding the famous ship, as well as learning about a lot of its passengers. So many fascinating stories! I find learning about the passengers humanizes the tragedy and think it's important to keep things into perspective.
While the Titanic has been the subject of a lot of television and film, 2012 was particularly ripe for revival as the year marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking. That year, two television mini-series were released. The first was a 4-part story set aboard the ship created by Julian Fellowes. Seeing as he is the creator of Downton Abbey (and that basically that story is set with the heir of the estate perishing on the Titanic), I had high hopes. While I appreciated the upstairs/downstairs dichotomy, as well as the featuring of some second-class characters, I found the story to be a bit dull and the format with flashbacks was a bit confusing. It wasn't the worst telling of the story, but it wasn't a big standout either.
The second series to debut in 2012 was Titanic: Blood and Steel, a 12-part series. This show is set in Belfast and tells the story of the building of Titanic along with the stories of those involved. It's a fascinating show that offers a very different perspective on the story of the ship. Titanic is not the main character and that is refreshing because it helps us refocus on the making of and how she came to be. There is, of course, artistic license, but I did really appreciate this different take. I believe this show is still available to watch on many streaming platforms. It's a must see if you are a big Titanic buff, but want to look at the story from a different angle.
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