The hair, the skirt, the tights, the green: they all scream Riverdance to me! Trade out the boots for some black lace-up flats (or ghillies) and I would look like I belong on stage in the famous line. I remember receiving a Riverdance tape for my birthday in third grade and I watched that thing for weeks on end. I could not get enough of it! Forward a few years and I am still taking tap classes today. (Yes, I know Riverdance is not tap, but Irish step dancing is a similar dance style.) All that to say, I figured I'd share a very Irish-inspired look on the day before St. Patrick's!
Watch the Reel Around the Sun number to see the look inspiration in action!
Skirt: Jacob | Blouse: Jacob | Belt: (old) | Tights: Old Navy | Earrings: Reitmans | Bracelet: Pandora | Boots: Bare Traps
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