10 Jul 2017

Eyelet Bouquet

What does one wear on busy weekends at home? Why, shorts and a t-shirt, of course! With the better half gone fishing for the weekend, I made the most of my time and did a lot of cleaning, sorting and organizing. I apologize for the bare feet and messy hair, but what you see is what you get. I am not sugar coating anything. My weekends aren't always glamorous. Sometimes, you just have to blast the music and get stuff done! Operation Nesting Phoenix is well underway and I see light at the end of the tunnel. We are inching along on the backyard (Mother Nature is giving us a lot of rain) and we are almost there! I can't wait to have a space in which to sit out, relax and enjoy the summer. My to-do list is still the length of my arm, but I am literally taking it one task at a time while trying to make the most of the season.

Shorts: Old Navy | Top: Old Navy

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