2 Jan 2025

No Pressure

January second, the second official day of 2025. The start of the year always comes at the end of the festivities when we are all loopy and confused. The lack of routine and overindulgence in all the festive treats really starts taking its toll by now. Add to that the odd pressure of a fresh start and resolutions and it's enough to make anyone nauseous. I'm not a believer in resolutions, my approach is more in the moment. No one needs the extra pressure of changing everything all at once. Start a new hobby whenever and adopt healthy habits whenever, no need to wait for a new calendar page for that. Start things in the moment! I much rather take stock of new hobbies and changes throughout the year and look back on what I've accomplished in the past year. You get a better perspective and sense of accomplishment! I never set out to start baking sourdough bread, yet I started that on a whim in October and I'm happy I started then instead of waiting for January. Why wait? I'm trying to lean into the spontaneity of life and taking things as they come. I've probably accomplished more and tried more things this year by not having a goal or a list to do so. The best part was that there was no pressure whatsoever to do any of it!

T-shirt: Dynamite (similar) | Vest: Old Navy (similar) | Jeans: Gap (similar) | Earrings: (gift) (similar) | Beret: Simons | Boots: Blondo (similar)

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