Mon blogue est rédigé en anglais parce que je croyais que ma clientèle cible était plus anglophone. Peu importe les statistiques, je trouve qu'il est grand temps de remédier à la lacune que je percois et de commencer à intégrer des billets en français, question de diversifier un peu et de rejoindre un plus grand public. Je vous présente donc la nouvelle rubrique des mercredis accent franco (MAF). Comme le nom le dit, je rédigerai mes billets du mercredi à la mode de chez nous. C'est aussi simple que ça! Le format sera le même, ce sera simplement la langue de rédaction qui changera.
L'ajout de cette rubrique sera le plus gros des changements, mais il y en aura quelques autres. La rubrique Throwback Thursday sera abandonnée, puisque je manque de contenu à y présenter. Ce n'est pas plus compliqué que ça! Aussi, j'ai décidé d'afficher que les jours de semaine. J'investis beaucoup de temps à créer du contenu, donc en réduisant la fréquence des affichages, je pourrais me concentrer sur d'autres aspects du blogue.
Que la nouvelle année s'avère enrichissante!
(English version)
New year, new format! I am attempting to revamp the blog a bit this year. It's been a little over two years since I started blogging and I find that a big piece of myself is missing from my blog. You see, I am francophone. My dad is from Québec and my mom is a Franco-Ontarian with Acadian roots. I am therefore a good French-Canadian mix! Adding French content to the blog is an idea I've been toying with since the very beginning. Seeing as I am proud of my heritage, I think adding French to my little corner of the Web is long overdue.
I started the blog in English because I was under the impression that my target audience was English speaking. Regardless of the statistics, I feel it is time to address what I perceive as a void and start posting in French, as a way to diversify and reach a wider audience. I have therefore decided to start a new series called mercredis accent franco (MAF). It roughly translates to French Accent Wednesdays. Like the name says, from now on, my Wednesday posts will be written in French. It's as simple as that! The post format will be the same, so it will still be pretty straightforward. Who knows, some of you might learn a few new words! However, this one is the only post I will be translating, just to keep everyone in the loop of what is going on.
The addition of this series is the biggest change to the blog, but there are a few more. I have decided to retire the Throwback Thursday series for the simple reason that I have run out of content to post. I have also decided to only post on weekdays. I invest a lot of time and energy in creating content, so by reducing the frequency of posts, it will allow me to focus on other aspects of the blog.
Here's to a new year of growth!
Chandail: Old Navy (semblable) | Blouse: BP. (semblable)| Legging: Dynamite | Bas: Old Navy (semblable)
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