27 Nov 2018

Cozy Layers

Well, we had a slight covering of snow on the ground this morning and it just made me reach for layers of coziness. It wasn't that cold, but just seeing a white dusting of fresh snow was enough to give me a little chill. I grabbed my colour-blocked sweater and a burgundy quilted vest. I added dark skinny jeans and navy booties to keep things simple on the bottom half of the look. I opted for booties because I had a feeling the snow wouldn't stick around for very long (it was gone by noon.) I didn't take any pictures of the outdoor layer today, but it involved my burgundy coat and a matching blanket scarf! With Christmas coming in fast, cozy nights in with a hot chocolate and a festive movie will be on the agenda!

Sweater: Joe Fresh | Vest: Old Navy |Jeans: Gap | Earrings: (souvenir) (similar) | Booties: Style & Co.

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